Sexual Transmutation: Lessons From Great Men In History

Paul Gwamanda
5 min readApr 30, 2021


Mike Tyson’s trainer Cus D Moto devised a unique solution for the protégé boxer. He reasoned that in order for Mike to retain maximum aggression in the ring, the fifteen-year-old would have to forego sex indefinitely.

And Mike did just that.

For a period of five years he did not have any sexual intercourse.

The pent up aggression and testosterone fueled his workouts with such explosive energy that he was like a caged Pitbull just waiting to tear his opponent’s flesh apart.

During the peak season of his career and as a result of this practice, no one could touch him. He completely dominated in the ring, becoming the youngest heavyweight champion in history at the age of twenty years old.

The practice made him absolutely savage and was similar in effect to roid-rage.

The conscious decision of a man to retain his seminal fluid and only ejaculate during nocturnal emissions is based on the ancient belief that when a man experiences an organism and ejaculates, he releases powerful nutrients from his body which could have otherwise been transmuted into other areas of life.

The practice goes back centuries and has been either orally passed down or extensively written about in all corners of the earth. Napoleon Hill was a famous proponent of this practice and advocated it in his book, Think and grow rich.

Ghandi was also lifelong practitioner of it. In his book, Key To Health, he dives into the subject of Brahmacharya — the religious practice of exercising Self-restraint, chief being that of sexual desire:

“Brahmacharya is the prevention of seminal discharge through complete control over the sexual instinct and the sexual organs… Only he who has burnt away sexual desire in its entirely may be said to have attained control over his sexual organs. The absence of seminal discharges is a straightforward result of brahmacharya, but is not all. There is something very striking about a full-fledged brahmachari. His speech, his thought, and his action, all bespeak possession of vital force.”

Ghandi credits this practice of Brahmacharya as the chief reason he was able to change the world in the way that he did.

In nature, we also see this: when male animals are most driven by the need to mate — they’re at their most aggressive, hostile and confrontational temperament. When male elephants in captivity are on Musth, they are kept far away from the other animals. In nature they become the most dangerous force in the veld. Until they have copulated with at least several females — even lions keep their distance.

Commenting on the young Muhammad Ali who was still an amateur boxer at the time, Harry Wiley said of him that:

“There’s a kid down here named Cassius Clay. If you bet on him every time he fights, you’ll be a rich man, ’cause he won’t lose a single fight. I believe his thing is sexual control. And he’s got it. Any kid who can control it can win the title. I believe it.”

Ali would go on for 2–3 months without climaxing while preparing for a fight.

David Haye, the former British Heavyweight boxing Champion also practiced this method. He articulated his method as follows:

“I don’t climax for six weeks before the fight, It releases too much tension. It releases a lot of minerals and nutrients that your body needs, and it releases them cheaply. Releasing weakens the knees and your legs. Find a lion that hasn’t had some food for a while, and you’ve got a dangerous cat. So there won’t be a drip from me. Even in my sleep — if there are girls all over me in my dream, I say to them, “I’ve got a fight next week, I can’t do anything. I can’t do it. I’ve been doing that since I was fifteen and its part and parcel of my preparation now. That’s why I am who I am today — it’s down to all those little sacrifices. Find me another boxer who makes that sacrifice, and you’ll find another champion.“

Shaka Zulu forbade the iButhwa — his band of elite warriors — from taking up a wife until they had at least turned 40.

Tesla also practiced transmutation. Although he had many beautiful women in his time who actively courted him with dozens of letters asking for his hand in marriage, he wrote his reasons for denying their advances in a science journal on the subject:

“I have decided to dedicate my whole life to work – he wrote – and for that reason I gave up love and companionship of a good woman; and even more than that. I believe that a writer or a musician or an artist should marry. They gain inspiration that leads to finer achievement. But an inventor has so intense a nature, with so much in it of wild, passionate quality that, in giving himself to a woman, he would give up everything, and so take everything from his chosen field. It is a pity, too; sometimes we feel so lonely!”

Neither of the Wright brothers, inventors of the airplane, were interested in marriage. Orville responded to questions on the topic by saying that his brother, Wilber, should marry first as he was the older brother. Wilbur famously responded that he didn’t have time for both a wife and an airplane.

Steve Jobs was also a famous practitioner. His ex-girlfriend Chrisann Brennan had this to say of the habit:

“Our birth control method up to that point was Steve’s coitus interruptus, also called the pull-out method, which for him was about his conserving his energy for work.” She added that the reason he did not want to climax was because he wanted to build “power and wealth by conserving his vital energies.”

Napoleon Hill believed that Transmutation is about redirecting the energy innate in powerful sexual urges into other creative pursuits.

“Sex desire,” he says “is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, will-power, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times. So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it. When harnessed, and redirected along other lines, this motivating force maintains all of its attributes of keenness of imagination, courage, etc., which may be used as powerful creative forces in literature, art, or in any other profession or calling, including, of course, the accumulation of riches.”

Read more in my new book! The Trials And Triumphs of Hyperachievers



Paul Gwamanda
Paul Gwamanda

Written by Paul Gwamanda

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